When I started my sober journey over a decade ago
I knew that creating a new kind crew
was not just fundamental
but it was a lifeline that I really needed.
I started focusing on the quality of my friendships
instead of the quantity.
I started seeking help from people I knew could help
and wouldn't pass judgment on me.
I started noticing how I wanted to make others feel
when they were with me.
And that is when all of my relationships started to change.
I remember being so scared about going to school
because I was so focused on that I wasn't going to be liked.
Anyone else? ✋
As the youngest in my family growing up,
and the only girl amongst my friends,
I have always felt like an outsider.
And that messed with my brain.
It fed into the thoughts of me not being good enough
or the fear of people not liking me for me.
And what I know now is
and I'm ok with that.
Because this is the version of me
that the world receives
I know that it is the best of me
and that is enough
in itself
I want you to know that the same is true for you.
You are enough to love just as you are
I love you
And never forget
You Fit Here
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