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Sep 27, 20232 min read
Words to Live By: Choosing My 2023 Mantra for Mindful Motherhood
It's funny because I normally choose a word of the year by the end of the one before it. Not this year. I was 5 months pregnant and...

Sep 20, 20233 min read
Autumn is Here! Time to Get Cozy with Mindful Habits
As the leaves start their colourful descent, we're faced with that glorious time of year – autumn! You know, that season when pumpkin...

Sep 12, 20234 min read
Embracing Imperfection: A Mindful Approach
I became a perfectionist at a really young age. It manifested in various aspects of my life, from meticulously matching my dress and hair...

Sep 6, 20232 min read
Embracing Mindful Routines as a New Mom: Nurturing Time Management and Self-Care
Hey there, fellow new moms! I'm thrilled to connect with all of you on this incredible journey that is motherhood. As a habits coach, and...

Sep 2, 20232 min read
Embrace the Chaos: Join Our Kindful Weekly Connections Adventure
Hey there, fabulous parents, caregivers and educators of the world! 🌟 Are you ready to dive into a journey that's equal parts chaos and...

Sep 1, 20236 min read
Baby Diaries: Fred's First 6 Months of Adventure and Essentials
Hey there, fellow adventure seekers and fellow exhausted but ecstatic parents! 🌟 I'm about to spill the beans on what's made Fred's...

Sep 6, 20223 min read
Tiny Habits for Back-to-School
Imagine a home where after school time consists of help in the home and connection of the humans in it. Now imagine the same home where...

Oct 3, 20212 min read
I wasn't one of those people that got their license right away. Even when it came to a "Driving ride" at Disneyland as a kid I didn't...

Sep 14, 20212 min read
Use this challenge to get out of your comfort zone
You are all here because you are seeking some kind of change in your life. Maybe it’s to make more time, maybe to get unstuck, maybe to...

Aug 29, 20212 min read
new school year gives us a new start
new season = new start

Sep 28, 20202 min read
Hello? It's your motivation calling
This week I'm focusing on creating feelings of MOTIVATION cuz what has 2020 been but a messy crazy haze that has us all wanting to throw...

Sep 24, 20202 min read
stop saying "I don't care"
This week I wanted to envoke feelings of decisiveness. This feeling makes me feel powerful like I know what's going on and like I have...

Sep 22, 20201 min read
Karen Styles is a BIG KID
It was so fun to have Karen on the podcast. We recorded this months ago when COVID was just starting to keep us home. Karen was actually...

Sep 19, 20202 min read
You have options
Last week we returned from our honeymoon + I can't believe it! It feels the same but different all at once. For any of my married...

Sep 15, 20201 min read
74. survival habit of people-pleasing
What does it take to start to heal our survival habit of people-pleasing? Emotional Investigation is the answer. In today's episode, I'm...

Sep 26, 20192 min read
September Round-Up
Courage & Overwhelm are emotions we all experience. What happens when you’re faced with overwhelm? Over the past month, I’ve talked about...

Sep 25, 20192 min read
What to do with Overwhelming Thoughts
Do you ever think: I don't know what to do! I don't want to feel like this! People don't understand me or what I'm trying to do or say! I...

Sep 24, 20191 min read
Episode 36: Stand in Your Own Glory
The people that surround you can often represent good OR bad parts of your life. Deciding what you want out of life and who you want at...

Sep 17, 20191 min read
Episode 35: The Inner Critic
We all struggle with Imposter Syndrome at one time or another. This week, KDC gives you tips on how to overcome by trusting in your own...

Sep 10, 20191 min read
Episode 34: Be a Mud Hero
Are you stuck in the mud pit of overwhelm? This week, KDC gives three tips for ways to overcome these fears and focus on the step in...
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